Wednesday 17 August 2011

Been Far Too Long

Thank goodness for my Dad who has now provided me with a laptop so I can get more regular use of the computer.  Sharing computer time with "game boy" is impossible or next to impossible, so thank GOODNESS for my dad!  Yay computer time once again!  Victory is mine...well...sort of.

See, the reason I was unable to procure computer time to blog was because after one month of hauling my cookies daily to the Edmonton dirt lot train station parking lot (finding it to be full and then parking on a residential street and walking), our mother-in-law had to return to watch someone else's children.  We had been unable to find childcare...and with that said, the cost of child care for two children far exceeds what we are able to budget.  Being that my job is reasonably well paid, it had me starting to is one to get ahead in life with more than one child?  The more people I spoke with, the more it became clear.  This is a huge problem for society as a whole. 

I went to work and provided them with two weeks notice upon the realization that I actually could not AFFORD to work because the cost of child care is so expensive and I do not qualify for subsidy and on top of that there was no child care that would transport my child to school (kindergarten starts this year), now I am forced to find night employment at minimum wage in order to be able to pay the bills and be able to transport my child to school.  On the plus side, I will be able to stay home and be home for my kids, but its going to be hard to work all the time (at night and on the weekends) and pull in the numbers we are going to need to keep our house afloat.  I had one of what I hope will be many interviews for a minimum wage position.  I have applied for so many part time jobs I cannot even keep them straight.  I have even gone searching for jobs late at night (and applied at several Boston Pizza locations.  Odd...none of them want to hire a washed up legal assistant mom with two kids... and next to no server experience)...even though I have been told I could easily pass for 25-26.  Lol.  Nevertheless, I persevere and put on a happy face because heck...maybe I can find a job where I can find more coupons!  :)

That being said, couponing has kicked into overdrive.  I am mostly purchasing items I can get for free or nearly free.   In the time that I have not been blogging, I have since stocked up on diapers and wipes (for each pack of pampers and each tub of wipes I paid $1.99...that was together...what would that make them...$1.00 for the pampers and $0.99 for the wipes...can you say "stockpile"??).  Also, I was able to locate boxes upon boxes of cereal on clearance at Shoppers Drug Mart for $2.99 and I had $1.50 off coupons!  AND the boxes had Free Product Coupons (FPC's) on them for Skinny Cow Ice Cream novelties (up to $5.99 I believe)...AND what was even better, they had boxes of Raisin Oatmeal Crisp that had coupons for $5 off ice cream and they were on clearance for $1.99...and the coupon exceeded the value of the cereal.  Awesome!

So, here is my list of things I have learned recently:

1.  Price match whenever possible.  Since I love love love to stack at London Drugs, I go there often and price match on a regular basis.  This has saved me an incredible amount of money.  Over the course of the weekend last weekend, I accumulated $200 in coupon savings.  One of the items I was able to get was cans of Campbell's Soup for $0.04 per can with my coupon stacks.  Mmmm....mmmmmm good.

2. Do not be shy about asking your neighbours to contribute to your efforts to save money.  Make em laugh.  charm them.  Get their inserts.  Just ask people.  Most people do not want to pick up the papers off the step let alone put them directly into the recycle bin/bag whatever the case may ask around.  If you are too shy or feel too weird about that then...

3.  Join a network like Smart Canucks and start trading.  I have met so many incredible people and have been a part of an incredible experience by being a part of Smart Canucks (hereinafter referred to as "SC" writing habit...).  Many traders are generous and people go to great lengths to get their inserts, but the bonus is that they are also willing to share them....I am greedy.  I want them all.  Just kidding.  Seriously though, they are a great bunch of people and I do definitely recommend getting involved...although, I have been privy to many a cat-fight on the pages of SC privy to great deals and fun trades.

4.  Walmart clearances rock.  You will recall Walmart allows overage, and their clearance allowed for me to accumulate lots of overage on items.  It was great!!  For instance, I made $1.00 off each Loreal hair product I bought, which was great because I didnt realize this until AFTER I traded for the coupon, I just thought I would get them was a total bonus!!!  I made $0.53 for every 3 cans of Gillette I bought AND I made $0.52 for every two boxes of tissue I bought...I do not get a ton of overage items at one time, but enough to make a difference and every amount of savings helps for two reasons....the overage frees up chunks of money in the groceries and all of that savings adds up, plus I am able to obtain items for my family that I would otherwise not be able to afford because often times it is the fancy health and beauty products that I have been able to obtain overage or get for free and normally it is hard to find the cash for such bonus items (like Loreal Volume spray...aveeno body wash...etc.).  AND I am able to provide many of the items to my friend's foundation that she is beginning to create in honour of her daughter.  It is called Isabella's Umbrella, check her facebook page to learn more about this and her goals!  Simply type Isabella's Umbrella into the search part, and it should be the first thing to come up.

I am too tired to continue to blog right now...but before I go, one more thing i have learned is that the savings are out there.  When you are on a very strict budget, you CAN make it happen and make it appear as though you and your family are living the high life, when you are actually shopping on a dollarama budget.  Oh...speaking of Dollarma, many locations are accepting coupons now.  That's right.  Dollarama's take coupons...not all of them yet...but that should be in the works from what I understand.  I havent been able to try this one, but I have heard many a story about people's conquests from Dollarama including Vileda Scrunges for free.  That's sweet.  I have that coupon.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Great deals at Walmart!!!

I hadnt done a late night coupon run in awhile, so I figured with the Brandsaver Inserts set to expire at the end of the month, I should check to see what I could get.

Here is my haul:

6 Satin Care Shave Gel full size - $1.50 sale (price was not listed, I scanned on a whim and it was on sale) less $1.00 off coupon from Brandsaver, they were $0.50 per can.  They are regularly $3.16 each.  I got all six for $3.  HUGE SAVINGS!

6 Crest toothpastes - $0.88 (price not listed, but will be tomorrow) less $0.75 coupon from Brandsaver = $0.17 per tube.  Not free...but still good.

6 Old Spice Body Wash 250 ml bottle on sale $2 each.  Buy 2 save $3 coupon from Brandsaver also makes them $0.50 each.

My flyers AND my examiner did not come today....not happy!  Will report more extreme deals as soon as I can.  If you have Brandsaver inserts, use them up!!!  They will expire at the end of July!  Happy Couponing!

Friday 1 July 2011

The Job...Red Plum...and Other Assorted Events

Today began as always.  With something eventful.  Having said that, I realize that I forgot to go into detail on what happened on day 2 of my job.  Day 2 was the first day I received a parking ticket.  Day 2 was not pretty.  Day 2 was not a good day. 

Day 2 began with me getting to the train station somewhat early.  I knew from previous experience going to this train station (I was blessed on day 1 by receiving what appeared to be the very last dirt lot parking spot the City of Edmonton transit system had to offer me), that there was a short cut to the back of the parking lot.  I took that way.  I discovered no spots.  Many people's cars were crammed up together like sardines in over packed cans.  I pitied the poor people who looked like they may have to crawl into their cars through the trunk.  I searched row on row.  No spots.  One person parked their car in a lane.  I hope they got towed.  Alright...that's the bitter part of me talking.  Nevertheless, 15 minutes of driving up and down the lanes aimlessly set me far behind in my schedule.  If I didnt leave, I would for sure be late.  I needed to park immediately.  Then...there was the pay lot.  Paved.  Lines painted.  Its for fancy Edmontonians.  Regular Edmontonians park in the dirt apparently.  I decided to be fancy, but for a day.

All this driving made me have to really move it to catch the train.  Once I got off the train downtown I had to walk as fast as possible to get to the office.  As luck would have it, I was completely ill-prepared for this power walk as I was only wearing a pair of ballerina flats that kept slipping off my feet.  I was walking along, minding by business then, bam....I'm tripping....I'm tripping....whoa...whoa...finally after stumbling for what felt like a million yards, I decided to succumb to gravity and allow myself to hit the pavement.  Great....did anyone see that???.  I got up and a lady goes "Are you okay?!?!?!" I just laughed and said the only thing injured was my pride. 

The day just spiralled from there.  Being in technology training with just the teacher and yourself in a tiny room isolated from everyone in the office made me begin to call this portion of my training "Ad-Seg".  After my stint in ad-seg, I returned to the car to get parking ticket #1.  Not sure what I will do come Monday...with it being a long weekend there were tons of dirt lot spots today....I was fortunate.  I know that fortune will run out on Monday when the real world returns.

All in all today was a good day though.  Got a parking spot.  Was released from ad-seg into the general population and even seemed to make some early friendships. Plus, when I returned home the Edmonton Examiner came, as did the flyers.  In the Edmonton Examiner (and next week in the flyers I assume) was a copy of the latest version of Red Plum.  What a gigantic disappointment.  Not many useful coupons at all.  Well....maybe a few, but all in all, definitely not the best issue.  Hopefully Smart Source will be better.  That comes out next weekend.

Nonetheless, I couldnt help but notice that there is a coupon for Glade Aerosol Sprays.  $0.25 off.  Sobey's has them on sale for $0.99 and Walmart has them for $1.00.  Not a bad deal at all if you use them regularly for your bathrooms.

Red Plum also has coupons for sensodyne toothpaste. If you have some from previous inserts there could be some good potential for stacking possibilities.   I have not had the chance to review and re-organize and categorize my coupons.  Once I have done that, I can advise as to the deals.  One off the top of my head very worth mentioning is the Purex Laundry Detergent which is 2 for $7 at London Drugs...with the $3 off Purex Coupon (x2) that is detergent for $0.50 per bottle...when it retails at around $7.99 per bottle normally.  An incredible deal.

Another that caught my eye is Safeway has their Crest Toothpaste 4 for $5. with the $0.75 off any Crest toothpaste coupon (from Brandsaver insert or, that makes each toothpaste $0.50 per tube (or 4 for $2.00).  Good deal, but not as good the deal from a couple weeks ago for 5 tubes for $5.  $0.25 per tube then!

Walmart has Kraft Singles on for $2.47, with the $1.00 off coupon from facebook, they are $1.47.  That's the BEST price I have seen to date.  Walmart also has Advil Nighttime going on sale for $3.99 per box.  With the $4 off tear pad coupon they are free.  Hopefully you can find some though.  I havent seen a 10 pack since the last round of Advil sales!

There are a few deals for now.  Teething baby is waking up again.  Gotta run.  Happy Canada Day to all and to all the best price! 

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Some Deals Worth Mentioning

I meant to mention this earlier, but I happened to be in Walmart earlier in the week and they had a roll back for Dawn liquid dish soap.  $1.00 per bottle.  With $1.00 off when you buy 2 coupon (Brandsaver flyer), they were then $0.50 per bottle.  Definitely stock up time.

I read on a forum that Walmart has Covergirl makeup (some select kinds - mascaras and lip glosses) on sale for $3.97, with the $2.00 off covergirl makeup (also in brandsaver flyer) make up will be $1.97 each.  I say each because if I have some spare change I just may treat myself to new mascara or lip gloss....but there probably won't be much in the spare change department for a long time after getting not one, but two big fattie parking tickets (and this is only my third day on the job).  How does one accumulate so many parking tickets you might ask??  Well, while this has nothing to do with couponing, I am sooooooo happy to tell you my real honest and true feelings on this subject.

Edmonton might be the only city in the world that will put giant piles of wood chips around all the trees in my neighbourhood, but they can't pave the main parking lot at one of the only stations in the south, Century Park.  They expect us to park our cars in a gravel lot like we are parking to head to the county fair, only there is no reward....except muddy shoes.

Because of the ingenious mud-lot parking system the City of Edmonton chooses to use, many people take up more than their fair share of parking spots, leaving none open by 8 am.  Yesterday I parked in a lot where you needed a pass.  I didnt have a pass.  I knew I didnt have a pass.  What I did have was a job to get to and nowhere to park my car.  I received a $75.00 ticket for pulling that manoeuvre.  Today I decided I would try again in the dirt lot.  Much to my shock and amazement (note the oozing sarcasm) there were no spots left by 7:50.  I decided to park at the shopping complex somewhat adjacent to the station. 

I went to work and managed to locate another transit user that goes south.  I asked her where people park at the other south station (Southgate Mall Station).  She said you get ticketed if you park there.  So I ask where people park...the guessed it...Century Park Station.  Fantastic. 

When I walk to my car in the pouring rain, wouldn't you know it, there was another parking ticket for $75.00 on it.   I am guessing there are no coupons for parking tickets out there...but if there is, let me know!  I tried to research the transit system only everytime I get onto the right page suddenly Internet Explorer cannot display the page. 

Maybe tomorrow I park the car on the sidewalk right in front of the station.  If I'm going to get ticketed anyways, might as well make it count.  :)

Friday 24 June 2011


Being a broke couponer does things to you.  I'm on my last few days of maternity leave.  I'm on my last few dimes and I thought I should do something to cheer myself up.

So I had a garage sale.  Now, I know you are probably asking yourself how the HELL a garage sale cheered me up...but I decided to give myself a mission.  Any money I made from the garage sale (aside from the money my son is earning for selling his old toys because he is saving for a Transformer) would then be used to coupon and I would see what I could do with it.  I hung signs around my neighbourhood with the kids and the dog, but alas...I only made $4.  My spirits were crushed a bit, but I was not detered. 

I already had my price match flyers ready, my coupons pulled and my plan in action.  I was tired but eager to come out of this with a smile on my face and tons of new products!

Here is what I was able to get:

3 bottles of  Dove Men + Care Body Washes (with bonus shampoos on two bottles and a deodorant on one)
3 bottles of Dove Go Fresh Body Washes
2 cans of Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup
2 cans of Campbells Vegetable soup
2 bottles of Dawn liquid dish soap
1 Aveeno Shampoo (with bonus hair product)
1 Aveeno Conditioner
3 trial size bottles St. Ives lotion
1 package Baby Wipes

Total cost ..........drum roll please...........$3.61


I cannot believe what I can turn change into these days.  Although my first day of Operation: Garage Sale was a big fat let down, the end result was GREAT!  I hope tomorrow is an even bigger day!  Maybe I will make $5!!!!  Or maybe even $10!!!  :)

Thursday 23 June 2011

Back to Work Blues

Well, its the end of my maternity leave, probably the end of late night couponing....well....maybe not.

In an attempt to cheer myself up today, I went on two coupon trades.  Knowing Adidas products were coming on sale at Walmart, I put a call out on the local board on Smart Canucks to see if anyone was interested in trading for some.  I was able to get 14 of them!  So happy!  Then, I was able to meet someone who gave me the tear pads needed to complete another stack! 

I stopped at my local Shoppers Drug Mart and located Fibre Plus cereal on clearance for $1.99, with the 100 cents off coupon (yes..that's what it says!!) it was then $0.99!  AND they had Fibre One cereal with a $5 coupon for frozen yogurt, ice cream or cones on the box and the cereal was marked down to $1.99 as well!  SCORE!

On the way home I was so happy I created a plan to shop later.  After supper I took the girl and went to London Drugs with price match FEVER!  Here is what I got:

2 bottles of Purex Laundry Detergent
2 bottles of Lysol 4 in 1 cleaner
4 tubes of Arm & Hammer toothpaste (various types)
5 tubes of Crest toothpaste (various types)

Total cost:  $7.14 (this is less than the cost of ONE of the laundry detergents at regular price without tax!!!)

I was very pleased!  So I decided to stroll over to Walmart to scan their products that I knew were coming on sale in this weeks flyer.  YAY!  Price updates!  That meant the Adidas deodorant was now $0.27 with the $2 off coupon I traded for!

I bought 5 Adidas deodorants and 3 gillette shave foam for a total cost of $0.92.  I felt renewed. 

After returning home and getting the small folks to bed, I decided to venture back out for some much needed mommy coupon alone time. No one following me screaming.  No one spazzing out.  No one insisting I stand in the toy section while they point out every Transformer on the planet and what their names are. 

I went to a different Walmart which had a HUGE stock of Adidas deodorants, so I got to use up the rest of my coupons...and not even come close to clearing the shelf!  I checked the ice cream, but none worthy of my $5 off ice cream coupon.

Then, I went to Save-On Foods and located new tear pad coupons for Save $5 on any 5 kraft products and $0.75 off Post Cereals...then I hit pay dirt.  Dark Chocolate Cherry frozen yogurt.  Regular $7.99.  On sale for $5.  With my $5 coupon (from cereal box) it was free.  I walked out of Save-On with lots of new coupons and some delicious frozen yogurt and didnt pay a penny.

I think I will get a bowl of the frozen yogurt right now and ease the back to work blues!!

Monday 20 June 2011

More Deals June 17 - 23

Here are a few more great deals (with coupons) that I can see, I am sure there are loads more, but here are the ones I noticed right away:


Like I said before, its BOGO time at Sobey's so there are tons of good deals, but not loads I see in the flyer that you can coupon on, but some good deals still.  The best one I see that you can coupon on is:

Buy Two Palmolive dish detergents and receive a third one free.  You can then use the buy 2 save $1 coupon and get all three for $4.18, or $1.39 per bottle.  Not a SCREAMING deal, but a decent one.


Lysol No-Touch is on for $9.99 which is a good price to either use the $5.00 off coupon from the May Smart Source and get it for $4.99, then use the Mail In Rebate from the June Smart Source and get it for free.  :) Or Price Match and double coupon at London Drugs to also get it for free...that is, if they have some!
Gillette Razors are on sale and there are tons of coupons for those as well.
Cheez Whiz is on sale for $3.49, with the $1.00 off coupon it would be $2.49.
Colgate Total is on sale for $1.49, with $1.50 off coupon from dentist office it is free.


Safeway has Gillette Gift Packs on for $10.99 without the club card, but with the club card they are $7.99....but if you still have some of the buy 3 Gillette Products or a gift set over $10 coupons, then you can still use it on this purchase because it is $10.99 BEFORE the rewards card.  The gift send then becomes $2.99.  :)

Duracell Batteries are buy one get one, and you can use the coupon on the purchased one.


Duracell Mini Chargers are on sale for $9.99.  Use the $5 off coupon from the Brandsaver insert to get it for $4.99.  They are usually close to $15.00 so this is a great deal!!!

Those are a few more of the deals that I can see....most of the flyers seem to have made their way to the recycle bag...but if I get a chance, I will see what other deals I can find!


Remember...its Chocolate Cheerios Day tomorrow!  Don't forget to use your coupon for a free box!  If Chocolate Cheerios aren't your thing, you can get Fibre 1 Harvest Brown Sugar cereal instead.  Mmmm....healthy....

Saturday 18 June 2011

Houston.....We Have a Problem...

I would like to start this blog by discussing a major problem that is reaching epidemic proportions.  It is something that is plaguing this nation and other nations as well.  Its a very difficult and hard thing to talk about.  This called Shelf Clearing.

Shelf Clearing is when a person goes in and completely clears a shelf of a certain product.  For example, the much acclaimed Ziploc coupon was a major cause of this epidemic.  I will admit it.  I have shelf cleared.  I wanted to feel what it was like.  It felt weird.  Like everyone was watching me.  Like I was doing something I shouldn't have been doing.  There are a few problems being linked to being a shelf clearer.  Firstly, the couponing community is getting larger and larger by the day and when you are going to a specific store to get something you are DYING inside to get for free...and you arrive and there is nothing left but tiny specs of dust where the product once was, its like a small piece of your heart breaks off and gets run over by some other couponers full cart.  It totally sucks.  But that isnt the only reason.  The other reason is that people who are doing this are starting to in fact ruin couponing for everyone involved. 

Already, Procter & Gamble have re-worded the way their coupons are so you are no longer able to stack them "Use of More Than One ManuFacturer's Coupon is Strictly Prohibited".  This makes obtaining things like cheap diapers next to impossible....not totally impossible, but pretty close.  Prior to the release of these coupons, P & G met with London Drugs and the executives at London Drugs were told that they were no longer able to allow stacking of these coupons.  If they did, they would not be reimbursed. 

I was in London Drugs the other day, stacking to get Aveeno Body Wash and Off Bug Spray, and the lady told me that someone had come in earlier that week and completely cleaned them out of all the bug spray and Dove Body Wash products, using coupon stacks to pay for it all.  The stores are getting very upset with this happening repeatedly.  I have read that some London Drugs are even starting to no longer allow stacking which is a real shame. 

Stacking and using coupons has hit an all time high and the stores are starting to take notice.  Save-On Foods is starting to allow stacking as well and we can only hope that in time more stores will begin to follow suit.  Unfortunately, one store that did follow suit for a short time was one Shoppers Drug Mart in B.C., which was apparently some sort of test store.  It was leaked that they were allowing stacking and people flocked to the store and cleared it out of many products which quickly lead Shoppers Drug Mart to release their new coupon policy (released earlier this week) which clearly states you can only use one coupon per item. 

If we want to keep coupons going and keep stores and companies from no longer allowing these incredible discounts, we need to be respectful.  If you want to build a stock pile, do it in small steps.  Then lay back for a bit and use the stock pile for awhile....its nice to have. 

Having said that, here are a few goodies that I noticed in this weeks flyers:

Safeway has Purex laundry detergent on 2 bottles for $8.  If you use two of the $3 off coupons, they are then 2 bottles for $2 (or $1.00 per bottle...or approximately $0.03 per load).  NICE!  Shoppers has a similar deal but it finishes today, Purex is $3.99 there on a timed special Saturday only.  With the $3 off coupon it is then $0.99 per bottle.  I couldn't be bothered to try to brave it there.  I just elected to pay the extra penny and price match Safeway's flyer at London Drugs.

Superstore has their Lysol Cleaners (spray kind) on for $1.99.  There are numerous options for these.  Firstly, there is the buy 2 save 2 coupon.  Which would essentially have you get one for free.  There are the $1.00 coupons, bringing the price to $0.99.  Or there is the option I elected for.  Stack all the coupons and price match at London Drugs which allowed me to get 2 bottles for free.  Nice.

Speaking of London Drugs, they have their Dove products on for $2.99.  There are TONS of coupons out for Dove right now, so the possibilities are endless for the combinations of coupons.  I was able to get two Dove body washes for free as well.

Sobey's is having a BOGO event again, which makes it a good time to stock up on food and household items.  For instance, their Bush's Beans are on 4 cans for $5, but you could use two of the $1.00 off coupons from the May Smart Source (I believe), and then they are 4 cans for $3...or $0.75 per can.  A GREAT price since I have seen them cost upwards of $1.50 per can and they will last well past know....just in case!  :)

I will review the flyers for more deals shortly, but those are some good ones to get you started!  Happy Shopping!

Friday 10 June 2011

I need shelves on the double!

Alright.  I have a problem.  Its called...Gimmestuffforfreeatosis.  I cant stop myself.  Today I woke up with one mission and one mission alone.  Go to London Drugs to stack the following coupons:

$2.00 off Huggies from last Smart Source (expired today)
$2.00 off Huggies from new Smart Source
$1.50 off Huggies from new Smart Source.

These diapers are regularly $18.99, but when I handed my boy the Toys R Us flyer earlier this week, a magical thing happened...the Babies R Us flyer drifted out and it caught my eye that they were on sale for $9.97, with the coupons listed above the diapers then became $4.47 per pack.  SCORE!  The perfect Ad Match at London Drugs!

I decided that I would also coupon with my bountiful supply of Tums coupons (courtesy of Red Plum insert, store tear pad display (in Walmart still large black booklet), and a new store tear pad located at a different walmart) I figured I would make it worth my while and get 4 bottles of Tums for free while I was there. 

The new wording on the P & G coupons has London Drugs reviewing all coupons with a fine toothed comb.  I was refused on some coupon stacks due to wording issues, but I am not sure that their interpretation is correct.  Going to go see "my contact" on Sunday and hope to find out if this was just someone going overboard or if that clerk was correct.  If so, I could stand to stack on a few more items like bug spray and Dove products, but I will find out for sure later and keep you in the know!

Nonetheless, the diaper stack worked wonders and I was able to get 3 packages of diapers for less than I would pay for one package normally (prior to couponing). 

I decided to continue on to Walmart to see what deals I could procure. 

Have I introduced you to the concept of overage yet?  I've been so caught up in raising the kids and couponing, that I haven't thought to discuss this yet, for those of you that don't know.  Overage is obtained with the value of the coupon exceeds the price of the item.   (In Canada, the only store that allows overage, to my knowledge, is Walmart.  The rest will either refuse your coupon or adjust the coupon value so it does not exceed the value of the product.)

For instance, Walmart has their Gillette foamy shave foam stuff on for $1.48.  There is a coupon in the P & G brandsaver flyer (getting which sent many people CRAZY) for save $5 when you buy any 3 Gillette products or a gift set under $10.  When you do the math, its $-0.56 per 3 cans.  So not only are you getting them for free, but you are getting paid $0.56 per can....but many people (myself included) discovered the virtues that was the trial sized Gillette foamy which was $1.27 per when you bought 3 cans, it was $ were paid $1.19 to buy them.  It was insane.  I used this to buy necessities for my house.  Bread.  Milk.  Etc.

Another great deal is the Iams Cat Food (and Dog Food) - trial size (which is a pretty good sized bag still) which is listed on the shelf at $2.97 but rings in at $1.73.  With the $2.00 off Iams coupon it was free and I was paid $0.27 per bag.  Lets just say the cat won't need food for awhile.  I don't clear shelves though.  Ever.  I HATE being that person that arrives after all the deals are gone and all that is left is the debris of couponers past.  Lately, I have been fortunate to get in on some of these deals.  If you hurry, you can too.  The Brandsaver flyer came in the flyers that arrived at houses last week.  Some people got them in their local paper too (the one that is delivered to your house for free each week).

In edition, Rexall has their Old Spice deodorant on for $1.49, and if you use the $3.00 coupon and buy 2, then it is free as well (don't use the coupon at Rexall though, they will not allow it).  Take their flyer and Ad Match at Walmart (only Walmart since they allow overage).  There is no point driving all over town to get your deals when you can ad match your deals there anyways and it saves you money, gas and time. Apparently Superstore allows ad matching (though I would sooner be hung from my toe nails than attempt this there), London Drugs allows it, as does Walmart.

Now that couponing has helped me through some hard times, I do have large quantities of items and literally no where to put them.  We will not need many items for a long time and since money is so tight, its nice to have a huge amount of diapers (which are costly), toilet paper, razors, shave cream, body wash, paper towels, cleaners, did I mention toilet paper?, snacks, cereals, etc. which were in my "stock pile" to fall back on.  I know...I know.  I am my own worst enemy.  I need shelves immediately or my house will start looking like I am a hoarder.  I am thinking I may attempt to donate a large amount of this shaving they make great stocking stuffers :).

One more great deal....Sobey's has their 8 pack of Dove bar soap on for $1.  Some think this is an error.  Not sure on that one...but that's an incredible price, coupon or not (though there are coupons out there!).

PS - Green Works cleaner is on for $1.99 at Shoppers Drug Mart.  Use the $1.50 off coupon from websaver or brandsaver (I forget which) and get some for $0.49!

PPS - Tres Semme Shampoo and conditioner is on sale for $2.99 at Rexall (3 days only), with the $1.00 off tear pad it is only $1.99 (normally is $5.99 or more).  Great deal!!
Happy Shopping Everyone!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Excuse me....can I have the money on your porch???

Sorry, its been awhile since I have taken the time to write.  When there is a lapse, generally it is because I have gone off the deep end couponing.  :)

This week the infamous P & G Brandsaver flyer and the Red Plum flyer came out.  I went from being heart broken, to finding a way to get tons of them!!  See those pesky flyers may be the bane of many people's existence, but to me, they are much more.  They are money and right now, they are needed more than anything. 

Most people will be shocked when they read this would NEVER do that.  But when times are tough, you will do what is necessary to survive so I did what any good couponer would do.  I hit the pavement.  Baby and stroller in tow.

Many people would sooner leave their flyers to sog in the rain and winds then even pick them up off their porch AND even though recycle day came and went, many people still have last weeks edition of the flyers on their porches.  Every place I stopped and asked were more than happy to have me take their flyers.  I even found some houses that were vacant that had loads of old flyers.  While not all of them had the precious coupon books I referred to, many of them contained older coupon books with coupons that have not expired yet.  Amazing find.

Maybe you are too proud to ask your neighbours for their old flyers....or too shy...but if you need them, I can tell you first hand most people are more than happy to provide their old flyers to someone who asks, anything to get rid of them and what's their loss is my incredibly huge gain!!!  Thank goodness for flyers, overage and, of course, for coupons! 

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Coupon Pride

I touched briefly on the fact that money is very tight this month and couponing has given me something that helps me take care of my family and give them everything they need for a fraction of the cost. 

For instance, today was the end of the month and we needed to pick up some things.  Wonder Bread Simply Plus retails for $3.49 per loaf, but there was an instore special at Superstore that they were $2.50 each when you buy two, and I had coupons for each loaf which brought the cost to $1.75 (also known as half price!!) so I was able to get two loaves of bread for the price of one.  The fridge is stocked full of fruits and veggies and the pantry is full of goods and I was able to do it for about $85.00 cheaper than I would have normally spent weekly doing what I did before coupons. 

Going back to a previous blog, I had mentioned to always review your receipts for any Code of Scanning errors and wouldnt you know...I had two of them on my receipt today.  I realized while leaving the store, but there was no way I was waiting for them to fix it while shopping with Spaz Boy and Whiner Girl...I would return later.  Sure enough, I was able to get one box of Baby Mum Mum's for free because they were tagged at the wrong price on the display, plus my second box was price adjusted.  Furthermore, I was able to talk my way into an additional price adjustment because Post Great Grains (which I double couponed on) was on a huge display that said $3.00 (and there was a tiny little sticker that said it was actually $4.99) but I argued that when you approach the display as I did, you never would have seen this sticker and therefore, it should be adjusted and they agreed.  PLUS, they had an additional supply of Finish Quantumatic Starter Kits on for $5.94, which is free with the $6.00 off coupon .... so the trip back was definitely worth it!

In the mail today I received a coupon for the Lysol No-Touch hand soap dispenser which completed my set and I could ad match to get it for free.  Naturally they were sold out, but I was able to get a few other things such as two Colgate 360 toothbrushes which I ad matched with the Walmart flyer and then double couponed on to get them for $0.49.  I was also able to ad match Resolve Stain lifter to the Zellers flyer and paid nothing (except taxes) for two bottles of much needed stain remover!  But the best part was when I was in line I started chatting up fellow couponers who actually gave me three stacks of coupons which allowed me to get 9 Gillette Men's Deodorants (and she gave me the flyer to ad match them) so I could get them all for free.  I couldnt thank her enough.  How incredibly generous! 

The day was a raging success.  I was able to keep within my tight budget and still provide my family with all the necessities they need to keep them well fed, healthy and smelling fantastic.  :)  Once again, yay for coupons!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Its the Winds....Of Coupons...

Funny thing.  Just when finances are going down the crapper I discover coupons.  What's even funnier is that I've been having Garage Sales for a couple weekends in a row to make some extra money and what do you know...this crazy wind is blowing everyone's garbage on to my lawn.  Sure enough....the garbage blowing onto my lawn was actually really old Smart Source Flyers!  That's right.  The winds of coupons have bestowed their goodness upon me and boy were they bountiful!  Two coupons for $10.00 off Multibionta vitamins blew my way.  These vitamins retail at $15.99 or so for one bottle AND Shoppers had them on sale for $11.99 this past weekend.  With my coupons I was able to get them for $1.99 per bottle.

But that was my weekend high.  Reality set in today when everyone and their dog wanted a piece of my maternity leave benefit pie and there is precious little to spread around.  I did what any good hard working gal with no cash would do.  I hit the bottle depot.  I have found an incredible, clean, nice bottle depot that doesnt smell tooooo bad which is nice!  I was able to procure $14 from that. 

Afterwards I returned home.  It was crazy windy and I joked about how maybe the Coupon Gods would blow additional coupons my way today.  I went into the backyard to play soccer with the boy and...what....what's this....more coupons!  Sweet!  It inspired me to stop feeling sorry for myself and go on an outting with change (no bills or debit cards allowed).  First stop Rexall Pharmacy.  I read on Smart Canucks that their clearance was really good and they didnt disappoint! A bunch of tubes of Crest were marked down in store to $0.75 and wouldnt you know I had a save $0.75 on any Crest toothpaste toothpaste.  What a great start to my night.  Then, I was searching for shaving cream for Game Boy (a.k.a - the husband) and they had Old Spice Moisturizing Shave Cream marked down to $1.47.  I had a coupon for $1.00 off any Old Spice product...$0.47 Shaving Cream.  Nice.  Also Nivea Bar Soap was on sale for $2.99 for two bars and I had a $2.00 off coupon so I was able to get those for $0.99 (or $0.50 per bar).  The lady there was very amuzed with my organization and was right into checking out all the coupon slots and my coupon holders.  Good fun...but she ruined my plan to hit the other Rexall as it was closing in 10 minutes.  Dammit.

I toddled on over to another Shoppers Drug Mart to see what I could procure there.  A few good friends and I had traded coupons on the weekend and I had a great coupon for soup, plus I knew the Advil Nighttime was still on sale.  I couldnt believe my luck.  The Campbells Soup was on sale for $0.59 per can and I had a buy 3 save $1 coupon.  I bought 3 cans of soup for $0.77 or approximately $0.26 per can.  PLUS they had Advil Nighttime, which is on an incredible deal right now.  I had the save $4 on any Advil Nighttime product and the 10 pack was on sale for $2.99 (on the timed special) so that made it free.   I picked up 4 boxes.  :)

My "Change Night" was a raging success.  It totally lifted my spirits!  Maybe I will go back and get some more $0.26 per can, how can you pass that up?!?!  I love coupons.  Lets hope the wind continues to be generous and blow loads of coupons my way!  I can't wait to see what tomorrow's wind brings!

Thursday 26 May 2011

The Coupon Song...

Those of you that know me real well, know I like to re-write songs like Weird Al.  So, for this particular song, I have chosen to re-write Kesha's - You're Love is My style.  Someday, I'd love to film my own you tube video of this song, but for now, you will just have to sing it in your head....maybe it sounds better there anyways! :)

Without further Adieu....

COUPONS ARE MY DRUG - to the tune of "You're Love is My Drug" - Kesha

Maybe I need some BOGO's
Or maybe need stuff for free.

I've got a sick obsession
I'm couponing in my dreams.

I'm going to every Walmart
In my newest coupon cause
I'm staying up all night hoping
with rollback's the prices fall.

That coupon there,
is hard to find
I just cant get it
off my mind.

I'm all strung out
Its coupon time
those cheap ziplocs
were hard to find

Because Coupons, Coupons, Coupons
Are my drug,
Coupons, coupons, coupons

Because coupons, coupons, coupons
are my drug
coupons, coupons, coupons.

On Smart Canucks for some advice
gonna do my transactions twice
Couponing is my only bad vice
I'm addicted its a crisis

My friends think I've gone Crazy
this coupon's looking kinda hazy.
House space is gonna be effected
If I keep it up like a coupon crackhead

That coupon there,
is hard to find
I just cant get it
off my mind.

I'm all strung out
Its coupon time
those cheap ziplocs
were hard to find

Because Coupons, Coupons, Coupons
Are my drug,
Coupons, coupons, coupons

Because coupons, coupons, coupons
are my drug
coupons, coupons, coupons.

I don't care what people say
the rush is worth
the price I paid

I get so high
when stuff is free
that great big store
was robbed by me.

So I have an idea,
do you wanna sort coupons in my basement
Do they make your heart say
"Couponing is FUN"
Are coupons....your drug?
Huh...your drug....huh....your drug....


Coupons, Coupons, Coupons
Are my drug,
Coupons, coupons, coupons

Because coupons, coupons, coupons
are my drug
coupons, coupons, coupons., coupons, coupons, coupons....are my drug!

Wednesday 25 May 2011


I just learned that there was a coupon for Glad Blue Recycle Bags $3.00 off in last weeks Examiner.  Thank goodness I still had some around.  This is good for those of you in Edmonton as Edmonton does not have the fancy wheelie bins like they do in Caaaaalgary.

For the rest of you...I just have to say that I am so happy!  First, I went to London Drugs because in my mail today I received a $5.00 off Enfapro A+ formula which rounded my total coupon tally to $18.  That's right.  $18 in coupons!  Finally!  I ripped over to London Drugs and the formula only cost me $10!

Then I went over to Walmart where the Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce is.  It is tagged on the shelf at $2.97, but a quick price check reveals that they are actually $2.00.  AND there is a $2.00 off coupon in the last edition of Smart Source which means...say it with me....its FREEEEE!  Hooray for corporate errors!  Better hurry!  Before they figure it out!

While in Walmart I did a quick check of the clearance section and there was Nice & Easy Perfect 10 Hair dye marked down to $5.00 per box...however, since I need two boxes, I happened to have a buy 2 save $3 coupon that was going to expire May 30.  Just like that I got two boxes of hair dye for $3.50 each.  Sweet.  Felt like I won the lottery...almost....

Remember the printable Ziploc coupons are going to expire June 4.  AND if you want to get the best bang for your Ziploc buck, pair them with the buy 2 get 2 free coupon in this weeks smart source and you can four of them for $0.49 per box at London Drugs (and the Large Freezer bags are on sale for $2.99 right now).

Next up...stay tuned for the coupon song!

Monday 23 May 2011

So Much to Say....Where to Begin???

Its a good thing the apocolypse didnt happen this weekend because I had serious couponing to attend to and how would I do that if the world came to an end...phew...dodged a bullet there!  Couponing to like heroin to a junkie.  I am completely hooked.  I will not go without it ever again.  I think about it all the time and god help you if you are in my way!  I cannot fathom paying retail for much, if anything, again.  And the best part is...I feel like I am always shopping (which is great for the shopoholic in me) and I am amassing this huge pile of things that I have gotten for free or next to free and that is an amazing feeling.  When the purse strings have to be incredibly tight its a great feeling to be able to provide things to my family that are needed and not have to wonder where I will come up with the money for them! 

There is buy one get one free at Save-On Foods and Sobey's this week.  This week was a different week though.  I have finally learned the error in my ways and the how to fix them to save money.  Bear in mind though, I am within 5 mins of ALL stores because of my ring road access.  So its easy and not at all costly to go to any store I need....and I hit them all.

I also devised a very strategic plan for each store.  I reviewed the flyers ahead of time, then pulled coupons and stacked them in my organizer, which has now grown into two organizers.  One that contains coupon categories and the other contains some more categories but also is broken into store.  No more searching for them.  I could just hand the stack over at each place I went to.  Fantastic!

At Sobey's I did the following:

Ziploc bags were $2.99, so I bought two more, then couponed on them (with the buy two save $4 coupon), then I furthered that by buying the 30 minute La Grille Marinades, which were $4.89 (but were also buy one get one free) and couponed on THAT with the buy two ziplocs save $3 on La Grille Marinades.  That made each box of Ziploc bags $0.99 and each bottle of La Grille Marinade $0.95 each.  HA!  I am wondering if that could have been even furthered by using the buy two get two free coupon from Smart Source, then you would get 4 boxes out of that making each box about $0.50.  I'm not really sure if that would be considered "double couponing"....and didnt want to have to push my luck!

Colgate Advanced Health was on sale for $1.99 but with my $1.50 off coupon it was $0.49 and Secret Deodorant was on sale for $2.49, but I had the coupon for buy 2 save $3 from Brandsaver and voila...$0.99 deodorant.

My total coupon savings was $12.50!  And the shopping had just begun.

Save on Foods had their Sunlight Detergent buy one get one so I couponed on the purchased one bringing the price from $6.99 to $5.99...and I got one free so I essentially got them for $2.99 each. 

Now...lets begin the biggies!

Walmart had the Quantumatic Starter Kit on for $6.00, and you can get a $6.00 off coupon from their website (see link below) which made it FREE!  When I got to Walmart I was able to get the last one.  I also discovered that those corporate jerks rolled up the roll back on the Ziploc bags and now they were $2.37 a box or something like that.  No more making $1.04 off two boxes.  Bummer.  Walmart accused me of photocopying the coupons because I print in black and white (helloooo...if I have to coupon for stuff clearly I dont have money to waste on colour ink cartridges...duhhh!!!), but I was able to fight for it and was able to get my free quantumatic and my box of Fibre Plus Cereal which was on sale for $2.97 but with my $1.00 off coupon it was $1.97!  YAY!  Plus their Van Houtte Coffee was on for $7.97 and I had a $1.50 off coupon for that too. 

Later I learned that Canadian Tire has the 20 packs of dryer sheets for Snuggle Fabric Softener on for $0.99 BUT there is a coupon for $1.00 on their website (see link below), so you can get those for free AND they also have the Quantumatic Starter Kit on for $6 (which you can get for free with your coupon as well then you dont have to go to Walmart unless you need to).

A friend later shared with me that if you have the $3.00 off when you purchase two Aveeno products coupon, that coupon is also on the wall at Superstore, so you can double it and save $6 off two Aveeno products!

You would think I was done...but I'm not.  At Shoppers Drug Mart, Listerine Mouthwash is on sale for the big 1L bottles.  $4.99 and theres a $3.00 off coupon on the mrs.january website (see link below), so you can get that for $1.99.  AND I checked in their clearance and there was Herbal Essences Shampoo in there for $1.12 and I had a $0.50 off coupon so I got the shampoo for  $0.62.  Also in there I saw Clean and Clear Morning Burst cleanser marked down to $3.50 from $11.50...I have the $1.00 off coupon so I could have gotten that for $2.50...could have...if there was any there.  :(

Safeway was an interesting one.  I read on the forums that Safeway will accept a manufacturers coupon AND a computer printed coupon for the same item (obviously they have to have a different bar code) so I decided to test this theory as well.

Firstly, I picked up Giovanni Panzani (?? - gotta double check that one) pasta for $1.66 but with my $0.75 coupon it was $0.92.  Then I got Dial Nutriskin Lotion which is regularly about $7 a bottle.  It was on special for buy 2 for $7...and I had two coupons to save $1.50 each...and I also had the printable coupon for $1.00 off that I asked if they would accept and they did (not too sure if they should have...but they did...) so I was able to get the lotions for $1.50 each.  Oh and Crest 3D White toothpaste was on special 3 for $5 which broke down to $1.67 per tube, but I had $1.00 off coupon so it was $0.67.  I also got Hellmann's Olive Oil Mayo on sale for $3.99 and I had a $0.50 off coupon for that.   I left there spending only $8.50 and saving nearly $17 with Safeway Club Savings and coupons. 

It feels weird...I'm shopping cupboards are stacked...and I finally seem to be saving money.  I cannot believe I didnt think of this sooner.  Lets hope this continues to go well but all I can say is couponing is so much gets me out of the house and searching around...even my four year old was excited to learn I got Pringle Stix "buy one get one free!" ...another generation of smart shoppers.  Love it! 

Looking for more deals!  Will let you know when I find them.  PS - had to complain about lack of flyers again this week!  Luckily my neighbour gave me hers!


Mrs. January printable coupons -
Finish Quantumatic - (click trial offer)
Snuggle Fabric Softener - (click on the link to get the coupon in the lower right corner).

Friday 20 May 2011


(and if you have the itch...I have a coupon for the ointment).  :)

All joking aside...I executed my first strategically planned and laid out couponing mission.  I have been having garage sales and had enough money to thrill myself with a coupon venture.  The first steps were completed last night.  Going through all coupons, setting aside a pile of multiples for use at London Drugs.  When I finally received my flyers, I was able to finalize my plan and execute it this evening.  That being said I learned vital intel last night that lead me to conclude the time was right....get this.  This whole time I've been thinking that London Drugs only accepts "double" coupons...meaning you could only use two on an item...but I was wrong folks....very wrong....THEY USE MORE!!!  (  If you have coupons that are different but for the same item...(meaning the barcode is different on each coupon but the item is the same) then you can use them all!  I received a very vital coupon in the flyers today which enabled me to attempt this for the first time....and it works!  I didnt even do anything sneaky.  I had all coupons laid out per item.  :)

Here is what I bought (since I didnt think to write down the ACTUAL price, I will approximate):

Motrin IB (100 + 25):  Regular price:  $9.99.  Sale Price: $6.99 less coupon $5.00 (This is a printable coupon and it is accepted at London will note it is for liquid gels or tablets!).  Total cost = $1.99

Ziploc Freezer Bags Large:  Regular Price $3.99.  Sale Price: $2.99 less coupon buy 2 save $4, double couponed with buy 2 get 2 free found in this weeks Smart Source Flyer = 4 boxes of large Ziploc Freezer bags for $1.98 (or about $0.50 per box).

Colgate 360 Toothbrush  Regular Price $4.99.  Sale Price: $3.99 less THREE coupons (two for $1.00 off (one is in this weeks Smart Source) and one for $1.50 off (from my dentists office).  Total cost: $0.49

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Gel (the kind that sticks to your bowl for 7 days) Sale Price $4.29 (coupons for buy one, get toilet duck toilet bowl cleaner free and buy one get scrubbing bubbles aerosol for free(both from one of Smart Source (previous version).  So I scored three products from just buying one that was already on sale!

Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Cleaner: Regular Price: $9.99, Sale Price $7.99 less $5.00 coupon from coupon mailing sites = $2.99

Venus Disposable Razors: Regular Price $9.99, Sale Price $6.99 less two coupons (one off mailing site and one that came attached to a magazine called "Rouge" that came once in the flyers).  Total Cost $1.99

Lóreal Total Repair Hair Elixer Regular Price $5.99, Sale Price $4.99 less two coupons (both from previous Smart Source flyers) = $1.49

Fantastik Spray Cleaner $3.69 (not sure if that was regular price or not) less two coupons.  One for $1.00 off and one for buy one get one I got two bottles for $2.69.

Tums:  Regular Price $3.99.  Sale Price: $2.99 less four coupons.  Buy 2 Save 2 (two different ones one from tear pad at grocery store, one from Smart Source), less $0.50 coupon x2 = two bottles of tums for $0.98...or $0.49 per bottle.

Dawn Liquid Dish Soap buy 2 for $3.00.  Less coupon for buy 2 save $1 = $1 each

Colgate Toothpaste - Advanced Total Health - in store special buy one get one free.  Less $1.50 coupon from my dentists office.  $4.29 - $1.50 = $2.79  or around $1.40 per tube (and they are the HUGE tubes!)

Listerine 1L (fancy whitening kind) Regular Price $9.99, Sale Price $5.99 - $3.00 coupon = $2.99

Finish Quantum Fancy Person Dish Detergent 48 Tabs Sale Price $9.99 - three coupons (see below for details) = $3.99


I am beginning to see that to get the big savings you will need to be printing coupons as well.  Seems to be the key.  Here is an amazing site full of great printable coupons  I've used a ton from there with no issues at all.

People are starting to comment about couponing and more and more people ask me where I get them and how to do it.  Its great to see something that was once frowned upon becoming more and more acceptable!!!  I can remember when I used to throw them all I see...they are money and I'm lovin it!    Huge thanks to the Mrs. January Site.  What an incredible site!

P.S. - if you havent reviewed your so!  You can pair up straight away! If you got a free sample of Quantum there is a $2.00 off coupon on it that you can match with one that is in this weeks smart source flyer and save $4.00 BUT if you have the previous version, you can save $6!!!  Oh...and Brandsaver should be up and running again today!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

I Have Crossed the Line....

There was a time when I was the crazy coupon lady....but that ship has sailed.  I believe this weekend I may have entered the realm of Psychotic Coupon Lady.  I have gone couponing a ton now.  So much so that I couldnt keep up with the blog entries.  I couldnt stop myself.  I had to coupon more.  My name is Alevry78, and I am a Couponing-Aholic.

Last week a friend informed me of a printable coupon for buy two boxes of ziploc bags and save $4, but Walmart had some on for $1.48 AND if it was a Supercentre they would let you use them I was making $1.03 for every two boxes I purchased.  I was hooked.  It sparked a hunt that saw me go to about a gazillion Walmarts attempting to get into the pandemonium.  The first time was a bust....sold out...but I found 6 boxes of a different size that were also $1.48...SCORE!  The next morning we went to a different Walmart (I have great access to the ring road and several Walmarts) and lo-and behold there was a new case of these ziploc bags in particular.  I admit...I bought more than my fair share....but I wanted to feel what it was like....the euphoria from actually making money from purchasing in a mass quantity like they do on TV.  It felt great!  I couponed on additional items and got 12 boxes of ziplocs, Olay Body Wash, a new Venus Razor and some toothpaste and it cost me $1.93.  Victory was mine.  But for one day.  I was able to get a few more and scored buy one get one free cleaners.

I did manage to find some other great deals as well.  For instance, there is a $5.00 off Motrin coupon on line and it was on sale at London Drugs for $6.99 so that made it $1.99.  Now thats a price I am willing to pay for pain relievers.  My husband and son both fell ill at the same time and with my coupons I was able to get Tylenol Cold Daytime/Nighttime, Tylenol Meltaways for kids, and three 125 count boxes of Motrin for around $10. 

I had a garage sale last weekend and my house is at the end of the street.  In this intense wind it is a catch all for blowing papers, garbage...garbage bags, etc...however the gods of coupons smiled upon me as numerous old coupons drifted onto my of the most valuable was for $10.00 off Multibionta vitamins which there is also a coupon online for that makes you able to get them for free! 

Sunday I was able to score some Old Spice deodorant for $0.50 each when it went on sale at Shoppers for $1.99 for Sunday and Monday only.  I had a $3.00 off the purchase of 2 I spent $1.00 and my husband will not stink.  Definitely a fair exchange!

I'm hooked on couponing.  I can't get enough.  The girl at London Drugs was really into it too and gave me a bunch of pointers and stuff that I didnt know.  But remember, keep watch on the flyers.  I've been so busy I haven't been able to blog about them...but there are loads of good deals out there!  I know that I wouldnt stockpile, but I have to tell you....its impossible!  When you see things that are amazing deals and you can use them to your advantage (like the Walmart deal) then you can stand to get loads of things for prices you are very willing to pay for.  Now...if you will excuse me...I need to find more things I can get for free.

Monday 9 May 2011

Something to Wet Your Whistle

Maintaining this blog is a lot like work...and I haven't had enough time to get on here this weekend but there were some good deals and I will only take the time to list a few right now because they are the timed specials that are left...hopefully you all got to snap up some of the other good deals earlier! 

Mothers' Day began in a whirlwind as I decided I had too many double coupons and timed specials to attend to.  I got up early, showered and prepped the littlest shopper and away we went.  Lucky me, yet another store has opened up around the corner so it was off to the Grand Opening of Shoppers Drug Mart to partake in timed special delight. we go:

Shoppers Drug Mart Timed Specials (TODAY IS THE LAST DAY):

Lever 2000 Body Wash - $1.99 - $1.00 off coupon (came in the last Smart Source Flyer) = $0.99
Life Brand Flavoured Water 6 pack - $0.99 (no coupon but worth the mention)
Carefree and Stayfree Pads - $1.99 - buy two save $5....please see below!

I will do a blog later with all the rest of the regular weekly specials, but I must tell you about what happened with the coupon...they were sold out of the Carefree ones and while I don't need them, I wanted to see what would I said nothing when I checked out.  Made fun of myself for couponing with the clerk...played it cool.  And yep....they let me use it.  That's right.  They technically cost me nothing and I got -$1.02 back toward my other purchases...and because I got the 6 pack of flavoured water it was essentially free!

I also double couponed at London Drugs.  One biggie there....Olay Body Wash...on sale for $4.98.  I had two coupons one for buy 2 save $3 and one for buy 2 Save $5.   Total Cost...$1.98 for two Olay Body Washes.  Also...Venus Razors...on sale for $9.74.  Double couponed and got it for $1.74.  :)

More later.  Boy is getting impatient.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


Just click on the link below to get your free sample (and it comes with a coupon too!)

Be Unstoppable :)

ITS CHEAP TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are trying to cut costs, getting your groceries on cheap Tuesday is the way to do it!  Save-On Foods and Sobey's both have cheap Tuesday today (and I believe its the first Tuesday of each month now).  At Save-On its 15% off your total bill or 25x the points, and at Sobey's I believe it is 10% off if you spend $150 and 15% off if you spend over $150.  PLUS, if you look for the items that are on sale already and then coupon on them AND get 15% off, then you are rockin'.  The only downside....the lines are INSANE!  I went at 11:00 and it was crazy lines already!  I can imagine the lines in the evening would probably make me want to shoot myself...but then again...if I was standing in kids...and all the trashy magazines I can read then maybe it would be better!!  Nevertheless, my total savings today was $70.00 and I only bought items that were on sale already.  Love it!  Hurry!  Go!  Spend!  Save!

Saturday 30 April 2011


Here's a link to get yourself a free box of Chocolate Cheerios or Fibre One cereal.  Mmmmm....freeee....

NOTE:  The coupon is only valid on June 21.  I know...weird right...but free cereal is free cereal!


Another Weekend of Savings!

It was definitely an eventful week and of course, I tried to get on the computer sooner to blog about the deals and how to use your coupons to your full advantage...but here I am again....running late...but not too late!  This week in deals is not as great as last week....this weeks shopping trip was not nearly as great as last weeks either since I was followed around the store listening to the boy crash his mini cart into everything imaginable while chanting choruses of "Can we get this?" followed by the longest whine ever "Whhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"......that was in every aisle...over every single thing....ugh.  By the time we paid I am pretty sure I sounded demonic or psychotic...or perhaps a combination of both.  No more bringing bored boy to grocery store.

Oh, before I go into the deals, I will just mention this once again.  I braved it to the Superstore during off hours (weekday afternoon when there is less people traffic and more room to roam) to check out any deals and there was a good one!  Gillette Deodorant was buy 2 for $5....and there was a couple coupons on the wall to save $1.00 and I had several coupons of my own to save $1.00....and you can double that was two men's Gillette Deodorants for $1.00 (or $0.50 each)!  Cant beat that if you don't want your hunny smelling funky.  However, yet again those rat bastards tried to rip me off charging me full price (again!!!!).  Of course I didnt realize this until I got to the car so I had to haul the kids back in and get it adjusted.  Once again I argued Code of Conduct and once again I was rebuffed.  Also, once again I did not argue.  I really need to be one of THOSE people....but I just can't find it in myself!  I did get back the difference though and ultimately that is what I needed to do anyways, so I left the store feeling somewhat vindicated.  But again this is a lesson.  I have only been to Superstore TWICE since starting this blog and both times have resulted in errors in the scanning at the cash register (and both times I didnt notice until I left the least this time I realized in the parking lot).  These errors are probably costing customers a TON of money and making the Superstore rich off people just believing it is accurate.  It isn't (it happened again today at Sobey's too...luckily I was onto them).  Keep a good watch if you can.  Sure, you may look a little stupid and feel like you're a bit creepy, but if you're anything like me, that extra money is needed elsewhere.

Here's a few of the good deals...starting with my pick of the week for stores:


Timed specials Sunday and Monday only:

Royale Toilet Paper - $5.77 - $1.00 off coupon = $4.77
Fructis Styling Products $3.99 - $1.00 off coupon = $2.99
Sunlight Laundry Detergent $3.99 - $1.00 off coupon = $2.99
Duracell AA batteries (20 Pack) - $9.99 - $0.75 off coupon = $9.24

All Week Specials

Pampers and Huggies Diapers - $9.99 (WHAT?!?!?!) - $3.00 off coupon = $6.99!  OHHHH YYEEEAAAHH!   That's the deal of the week for sure. 
Colgate 360 Toothbrush - $2.99 - $1.50 off coupon
Aerius Allergy Medicine = $16.99 - $2.00 off coupon = $14.99
Gillette Fusion Razor = $12.99 - $2.00 off coupon = $10.99
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner (two for $5) -  buy two save $2 coupon = two bottles for $3

I'm reviewing my list here and I notice that the deals this week are really quite pathetic following the buy one get one mania of last week!  The only other deals worth mentioning is buy one get one Yoplait Yogurt at Safeway and if you live near a Save-On Foods you can redeem 400 points to get Sunlight Dish Detergent for $1.25 - $1.00 off coupon = $0.25 for a bottle of dish soap!  Also, its 15% off Tuesday at Save-On Foods this Tuesday (and its also 10% Tuesday at Sobey's) so you can snap up additional savings then as well!

The rest of the deals are too lame to mention.  Lets hope there are better deals for next week!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Its that time again!

I wanted to get on the computer to blog about all the GREAT finds I have located, but I have had precious little time what with Easter holidays being upon us.  Now that the bunny has come and gone again, its time to sit down and relay some of the great deals that I noticed!

Flyer day is a big day around here.  I wait with great anticipation to hear the thud of the flyers landing on my front porch...since my complaint to Flyer Force seems to have really upped the regular occurance of flyers!  They even came on Thursday this time like they should!  My husband located the flyer bag and was excitedly shaking them around waiting to see what goodies he could unveil.  Of course, he only looks through the flyers with dude stuff, like Best Buy and Future Shop....but having said that he uncovered loads of deals for things like BBQ's and other great things to get your pad ready for the summer. 

We also came upon a flyer that I had never seen before.....or even knew existed.  It was the Zellers Midnight sale.  It was the day the flyers came and let me tell you, there was unreal deals in there!  I'm not sure how long Zellers will remain open in wake of Target buying them, but the lesson here is a good one.  Check your flyers the day they come.  They could yield lots of good sales that are on time limits but you could stand to save 60% or more on some items if you really pay attention!

Something I find amusing to do is to make yourself the brunt of the jokes about couponing.....people who don't coupon find it really funny!  The other day, I visited a friend of mine who does not coupon and does not review flyers.  Since I was there, she decided she would look at them for the first time in years and she was shocked at what she saw!  Encourage your friends (even if they dont want to coupon) to look at the flyers...share the wealth of deals!  People DO appreciate it...then you can make fun of yourself for all the additional coupons you have in your special fancy coupon holder!

One more thing before I go down the list of stores.....if you havent done so already, go to Sobeys.  Its buy one get one free on many items.  I contacted a bunch of friends when I left there giddy with excitement at the amount of things I was leaving with for free.  That same friend I mentioned above who doesn't coupon or read flyers went to Sobey's at my insistance and once she returned home she counted the amount of free items she had...$110 dollars worth of items free!!!

Lets start with Sobey' pick of the week for the best place to shop!


As I mentioned, its buy one get one is a list of some of the items on sale buy one get one free:


Oranges 5 lb bag
Cracker Barrel Cheese
Warehouse packaged meats: Steaks, Pork Chops, Chicken (this is HUGE....BBQ season is upon us!)
Breyers Ice cream
Compliments Diapers (I decided to try them...since they were buy one get one and only $12.99)
Schneiders Sausage Rings (all sold out when I got there, pays to go early!)
Sugar Snap Peas
Salads (our Compliments)
Our Compliments Cereals (a lot of them taste better than the original brands!!!)
Post Honey Bunches of Oats (and if you coupon, you might have a coupon for additional savings!)
Old Dutch Arriba chips
Ivory Soap
Signal Fabric Softener
Glad Force Flex Bags
Potato Salads
Our Compliments bottled water (12 x 500 ml)
Gold Fish Crackers
Quaker Oats
La Grille Seasonings and Marinades
Olive Oil
Betty Crocker Cake Mix
Chip Dip
Del Monte Fruit
Frozen Orange Juice (Minute Maid)
Lady Speed Stick
Astro Yogurt
Russet Potatoes

And that's just buy one get one free deals!  There are tons of items that are on sale and that you should have coupons for that you can save tons on.  If you got the Smart Source flyers this week, there were coupons in there for Fruit By the Foot, Gushers, etc....those are also on sale at Sobey's and I buy them occasionally for the boy.  Another item that I noticed on sale for super cheap was Sensodyne Iso-Active Toothpaste which was on sale for 3.99 (its $7.99 normally) and you could have a coupon for $1.00 that as well.  Sweet!


U by Kotex (free tin with purchase of two) - $3.99 per box (buy 2 save 2 coupon)
Fructis Products - $2.99 (less $1.00 coupon)
Nutrisse Hair Dye $7.99 (less $2.00 coupon)
Herbashine Hair Dye $7.99 (less $3.00 coupon...$4.99 hair dye... nice!)
Johnson's Baby Products - $2.99 (great price, but there's a coupon for $1.00 off as well making them $1.99!!)
Loreal Hair Expertise - $4.99 (less $2.00 coupon)
Huggies/Pampers - 2 for $26.99 (not a GREAT price, but bear in mind, you could double coupon at London Drugs.  As it stands, I could use 3 coupons against the diapers for a savings of $8.00.  Diapers for $9.50 per pack?!?!?!  That's a great deal!)
Dawn/Sunlight Liquid Dish Soap - 3 bottles for $5 less buy two save $1.00 coupon....3 bottles for $4!

SUPERSTORE - Spend $250 get $25 GC

Loreal Sublime Mousse Hair Dye - $9.99 less $4.00 coupon (and maybe there is a coupon on the wall at superstore you could use to double coupon???)
Loreal Revitalift - $19.99 less $3.00 coupon
Zest $3.49 less $1.00 coupon
Green Giant Frozen Veggies - $1.97 less $1.00 coupon
Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce - $1.97 (no coupon but this is an amazing price!)
Old El Paso Taco Kits - $3.47 less $1.00 coupon and coupon for free bottle of salsa from previous box


Royale Toilet Paper - $5.99 - $1.00 coupon
Royal Facial Tissue - $3.99 - $1.00 coupon ($2.99 for 6 boxes of tissue!)
Loreal Hair Expertise products - $3.99 less $1.00 coupon....$2.99 best price yet!
Loreal Youth Code products $19.99 - $3.00 coupon....$17.99 once again best price yet.


Royale Toilet Paper - $5.00 less $1.00 coupon
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner 2 for $5.00 (less coupon for buy 2 save 2....2 bottles of toilet cleaner for $3!  Yay!)
Colgate Toothpaste - buy 1 get one free less coupon for $1.50 (NICE!)

I can hear the wee one fussing so I am going to cut to the chase and say that the rest of the deals aren't really even that great.  By FAR the best place to go (again) this week is Sobey's.  You can have your house fully stocked for a fraction of the cost with a huge amount of items for free!  Go.  Shop.  And Happy Easter!!!!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Giant Tiger Sized Disappointment

As planned I went on my mission today to view my first Giant  I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived there, but I felt euphoric nonetheless.  I began to view the store and realized that there is a reason they call it a "Discount Store"....while they did email me that coupon for $5.00 off a purchase of chidren's fashions or footwear, I would probably not get much else from there!  I decided to tour the entire store for the overview...and let me tell you....they have a grocery section that I am not sure I would want to buy anything from unless it was boxed or canned.  Their meat was in storage units that looked similar to those freezers you get popsicles out of at 7-11...only without any sliding glass doors on the was bizarre and the store I went to was having a grand opening...I can't imagine what it would be like if it had been there for years....probably pretty gross!

I searched top to bottom and the only thing I found that I could coupon on (and did) was a bottle of Sunlight Laundry Detergent, which normally retails for $6.97, but was on sale for $3.47 and I had a dollar off coupon so I was able to get the detergent for $2.47, which is a damn good price for laundry detergent.  Also, I decided I WOULD use the coupon and get the kids a couple different items.  The clothes are pretty decently priced and some of them were really cute.  I was able to get the boy two hoodies and used the coupon which enabled me to get him a cute shirt for $0.97.

Having said that, I had to hover over the cashier and tell her all the items that were on sale as nothing that was on sale seemed to scan in.  The manager seemed a bit frustrated by the fact that I was correcting the prices but I didn't care.  I got the impression that the signs for the items that were on sale were up in the store when they werent supposed to be.  I suppose I could have bought the items and then later complained that the posted prices were cheaper (Code of Scanning) and then got the items for free.  Damn it.  Why am I only thinking of this now???? 

Well this visit to Giant Tiger was a definite BUST but I was able to get a few items inexpensively.  I will keep viewing their flyers, but I highly doubt I will be going out of my way to pay Giant Tiger a visit anytime soon!

Saturday 16 April 2011

The Newest Mission

I have elected to dub this mission Operation Stealth Panda Crouching Coupon (or SPCC)

SPCC will see me try to find out about the Giant Tiger store.  Have you heard of them?  Me neither until recently, but according to my flyer they are all over the place, even in Calgary (and other cities too).  When I told my hubby I wanted to go there he turned up his nose and refused to go there like I used to do to my parents when they told me they wanted to get me clothes from Kmart.  So, it appears the girl child and I will go on this mission tomorrow.  The reason?  I have learned that Giant Tiger will honour coupons that exceed the amount of the product...for example....a tooth brush is $0.88 but I have a coupon for $2.00, Giant Tiger will allow me to use that coupon still!  Plus they sent me a coupon for joining their eNewsletter thing on their website that I can print and use in their store....which I won't though because its for clothes and this mission does not have time or money for no stinking clothes.  This mission is strictly to see what I can assess about this store and whether I can come away with an item (or items) without paying a dime (since I barely have any dimes to pay with!).

Provided we do not get a ton of snow and there is no complications, this mission will be a-go for tomorrow.  Watch for my blog about the success or failure of this mission as this will be my first trip to a Giant Tiger my head it reminds me of a SAAN store...but I have no idea...curiousity...fear...wondering...I can hardly wait!

Why It Pays To Do Your Research (and have some patience)...

So it was Thursday yesterday and do you think the flyers came???  Nope.  So, last night I surfed on the web and found some good deals on groceries which led me to go to 2 separate grocery stores.  Was it annoying....ABSOLUTELY but I live sandwiched between 3 major grocery stores (Walmart Supercenter, Sobey's and Save-On Foods) so I figured this was definitely dooable and worth it since I knew Save-On has great warehouse packs of meat for $10 each.

In an attempt to get all the deals (since I am generally the person that shows up at the END of the sale when everything is gone) I decided to get prepared to shop early.  First up, Sobey's.  I figured this was the best place to start because they have those kids carts that they can push around and it keeps the little man entertained for hours. 

Now, wouldnt you know that because I actually did my research ahead of time and showed up to the stores around noon, just my luck they hadn't stocked the ham yet - a key ingredient for a delicious easter dinner - (which was on sale for $9.99) because their shipment hadn't come in.  Gee.  What a surprise.  However, the turkey was on sale for $0.99 per pound! I picked up a good sized turkey for cheap!

After locating a few good deals within the store, we paid and set off for Save-On Foods where I was handed a giant slap in the couponers face.  They had their boxes of Fibre One bars on for $1.29.  F$#%!  Stupid greedy me just HAD to use the coupon to double coupon at London Drugs when I could have had TWO boxes for $0.29 each had I just waited.  Lesson learned.  Don't double coupon just because you can.  Be patient.  Wait for the best deal possible.  It WILL happen.  Crap.  Wish I knew that before hand!

Nevertheless, once I returned home there were the flyers, staring me in the face saying READ ME!  You will find better deals!!!  Which brings me to lesson #2.   Wait for the flyers to come.

I needed paper towel in the worst way, so I found a good deal on paper towel - $5.99 for 6 rolls.  Pretty decent and I was pretty desperate.  Sure enough, when I opened the flyers there was TONS of deals for paper towel for WAY cheaper.  Of course.  Lesson #3 - Always review the flyers prior to shopping for things like paper towel and toilet paper.

So I have discovered that in order to be a good shopper, you must be a smart shopper and that means reviewing all of the flyers to check for all the good deals and then maybe going to a few different places.  How ignorant was I in my former ways.  Too cool to use coupons.  Always going to the same store because it was "my store".....never again!

Here is the run down of the deals of the week I have located:


Turkey $0.99 per lb.
Irish Spring Soap and body wash - buy one get one free (and if you took coupons out of the smart source flyer, there is a coupon for $2.00 off Irish Spring).
Duracell Batteries buy one get one free (and there are coupons for duracell batteries on one of the sites)
Royale Double Roll toilet paper - $5.99 less $1.00 off coupon

SHOPPERS DRUG MART (spend $50 and get a $10 gift card)

Minute Rice (350 g) - $1.99
Royale Double Roll Toilet Paper - $5.99 less $1.00 off coupon
Sunday and Monday only Huggies and Pampers are $13.99 less $2.00 or $3.00 off coupon
Tide and Downy $5.99 less coupons (I am unsure of amounts as I am not a Tide or Downy user)
3 boxes of Catelli Pasta for $5.00 - less coupon for $1.00 when you buy two so that's 3 boxes of pasta for $4 (or $0.75 each)!!! :)
Febreeze - $2.99 less buy 2 save 2 coupon


Royale Double Roll $4.77 less $1.00 coupon!!  Best deal in town for bum wipe!
Sunlight Dish Liquid - $1.77 less $1.00 off coupon

SUPERSTORE (Spend $250 get gift card for $25)

Green Giant Frozen Veggies - $1.97 less $1.00 off coupon
Club Sized Diapers (156+) - $27.99 less $3.00 coupon
Club Pack of Wipes - $11.99 (if you have the coupon to save $4.00 when you purchase wipes and diapers you could use the coupon to get savings on both items and be totally stocked up!!)
Johnson's Baby lotion - $3.99 less $1.00 off coupon - by FAR the best deal I have seen
Aerius allergy tablets - $19.99 less $2.00 coupon - once again the best price I have seen
Ham halves - buy 2 for $14 (but I happen to know there is a coupon on the coupon wall at superstore to save a dollar on ham so if you get two you could use two coupons and get the hams for 2 for $12 or $6.00 each....which is a great price for ham!
Ziploc Containers are $3.00 each, but I have a coupon from one of the Smart Source flyers for buy 2 get 2 free....which means you can get 4 packs of Ziploc containers for $3.00 or $0.75 per box. Yaaaay savings!


Pop (Coke and Pepsi) $3.33 for 12 pack.  Oh I rushed out and got mine for sure!
Black Diamond cheese block - $4.99
Pampers diapers - $12.99 less $2.00 or $3.00 coupon!!
Turkey $0.99 per lb.
Strawberries - $2.99 for 2 lbs (most stores have them $1.99 for 1 lb but its a way better deal to get the 2 for $2.99)
Hamburger Helper - $1.99 less coupon for $1.00 (and I have a coupon from a previous box for a package of free frozen vegetables!)


BABY FOOD SALE!!!!!! $0.50 per jar!!  Trust me.  Best price ever for Heinz!!!
Johnsons soaps and lotions (large bottles) - double pack $9.99 less $1.00 coupon = $8.99 for 2 big bottles!
Nivea lotion $6.97 less $2.00 coupon = $4.97
Pillsbury Croissants - $1.00 less $1.00 coupon ...... you got it!  FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! 
Betty Crocker boxed potatoes - $1.67 less $1.00 off coupon = $0.67.  NICE!

There's my round up of some of the greatest deals of the weekend! I'm sure there are loads more!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

New P & G Brand Samplers!

If you are into getting free samples, click onto the link below.  Run by the same site for P & G Brandsaver, except you can request several free samples!  But do it ASAP because they only run the promotion for a limited time and when the samples are gone....that's it!

AND if you are a guy (or you want to order for your hubby) there is P & G Brandsampler for MEN!  There is a free sample of facial deodorant....a razor!  Loads of free stuff, so after you request your free stuff from Brand Sampler, click on this link below to get your free samples for men as well!

SWEEEEEET!  I cannot wait to get my free stuff in the mail!   All you need to do is use your P & G Brandsaver user ID and password to get in and then click away!  Three cheers for free stuff!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

I DID IT!!!!! I DID IT!!!!

Ladies and gentleman...we have confirmed double couponing success!  I felt like a stealth criminal as I entered the in hand.  I had come up with the master plan after my husband returned home early from work.  Sweet.  A chance to take only one of the children and go...the girl is, afterall, a fantastic shopper and a mama's girl and she doesn't ask me to buy her stuff...over...and over...and over... 

First stop.  Superstore.  I have attached a photo.  I feel such satisfaction.  I did NOT double coupon at Superstore as I was on a pretty tight budget and they didn't have coupons on their wall for anything that I had coupons for.  Nevertheless, please see photo:

Have any guesses as to cost?

That is a Royale Super Huge Giant Big Mega Double Roll Pack. 24 double rolls.  Oh, and those at the back...that's two 6 packs of Aloe Irish Spring and Fancy Smell I Forget Irish Spring.  Oh and there's two loaves of bread....don't forget to add in the bread...and there are two fancy Colgate Advanced Health Toothpastes and a bottle of Children's Colgate - which, might I add, I was able to procure from two ladies who were buying ALL of the children's colgate and they agreed to let me have one.  I was thrilled.

Here's a breakdown of the items I got on sale and with coupons:

ROYALE BUM WIPE - $8.98 (so already hugely on sale!) (less $1.00 off coupon) = $7.98.....for all that kittiny soft two ply could one go wrong.

CRACKERS - $1.00 off and they were on sale so it made them roughly $1.38 per box.  Woohoo!

COLGATE ADVANCED - $1.99 on sale (less $1.50 coupon) $0.49 per tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IRISH SPRING - $2.49 on sale (less $2.00 off coupon) - $0.49!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thats right....$0.49 for all that soap!  I will never need to buy soap again!  (Except for my stock pile).

OLD EL PASO KIT - $3.99 on sale (less $1.00 off coupon) = $2.99 AND it has a coupon for a free bottle of salsa with your next purchase.  Mucho Fun Tonite!

PEPSI CUBE (24 pack) - On sale for $6.97!!!!!

BREAD - $1.97 - on sale for dirt cheap for really good bread!

And that was the DOES pay to shop there....oh...and I remembered my bags this time too! 

 Across the parking lot was LONDON DRUGS .... a couponers dream.  You will recall I had already bundled my double coupons that were different (as per London Drugs coupon policy) and there was precious few in the way of doubles, but I wanted to check it out.  The blood was pumping through my veins as I neared the check is what I had:

Ok....I didnt have coupons for the chocolate...but lets talk price.

The hair dye was regular $11.99, but was on sale for $9.99, the Fibre 1 bars were $3.29 and the chocolate bars....lets be honest, I was less focussed on their original price than I was focussed on their chocolatey goodness.  In fact...I want one right now.  Ok.  I went and got one.  Funny story about these.  I bought one on a whim once and it was so good, I wanted another.  I have been searching for them ever since.   Its like as soon as the Kit Kat company found out I liked them they ceased all production and I never found them again...ever....UNTIL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

So, here we go with what I paid:

Sublime Mousse Hair Dye (box 1) - $9.99 - less coupon for $4.00, less coupon for $3.00 = $2.99
Sublime Mousse Hair Dye (box 2) - $9.99 - less coupon for $3.00, less coupon for $2.00 = $4.99
Fibre One Bars - $3.29 less two coupons for $1.00 each = $1.29
Chocolate Bars - $0.69 each!   :)

So there you have it, it CAN be done!  Just hang on to your coupons and wait for the greatest deal.  Trust me, I held onto those Irish Spring coupons for a month or two and it paid off AND they didn't even bat an eye or look at me like I was a weirdo.  I can remember a time where I would be embarassed to use coupons but now I believe it is becoming more common place and accepted and even if it wasn't WHO CARES!  If I can save all this money, then I should!  I wish I had of known all this a long long time ago!

Monday 11 April 2011

Couponing FAIL!

Dear Bloggians....I have failed you.

Yesterday I wanted to conduct a little experiment to see if I could use the $1.50 coupon on a tube of $0.84 toothpaste.  Baby took a huge nap so by the time I was able to go it was night time....but lets start at the beginning shall we?!

As I was trying to get the kids to bed I dreamed of double couponing delight at the London Drugs which is beside the Walmart.  I figured I just MUST get there.  I took a few minutes to pin up my double coupons and headed out.  Sure enough....London Drugs was closed.  Go figure.  Oh well, I decided to go to Walmart anyways.

I searched high and low for the $0.84 toothpaste and couldnt find it.  I decided I needed to find the flyer since I had seen the deal advertised on their online flyer.  I began to wander.  Then I remembered that I could get the flyer at the door.  Epic Fail #1.  Do not attempt to search for flyers while you have stuff in your cart.  I started to search near the door not really thinking that I might look like someone attempting to jack a 24 pack of pop for as I neared the door I could hear the shouts of the little man with the blue vest on his scooter following me.  Oops.  I dont think he believed me when I said I was looking for the flyer.  Next I searched for the toothpaste again.  Still couldnt find it.  But did manage to locate $1.87 toothpaste.....which meant toothpaste for $0.37...not too shabby....but not the -$0.66 I was hoping to locate.  Next up....$0.64 deodorant (with coupon).  Found that too.  I should have stopped there.  But did I????  Noooooo.  I just had to keep going....I'm sure the security cameras were following me as I looked slightly crazy stopping every few seconds to review my coupons.  I didn't locate any other amazing deals (other than the ones I blogged about already), but still I managed to leave there with a cart full of crap I don't need spending way more money that what I intended.  Now I spent the money I intended to use for double couponing delight.  What is a girl to do???  I may just have to wait a few days until some funds are replenished and then try again.

The morale of the story?  Don't go to Walmart when you are sick, tired and have no willpower.  At least I have some praline pecans to pacify me in my time of need.  I hope to attempt double couponing at London Drugs shortly.  If I can afford!