Wednesday 1 June 2011

Coupon Pride

I touched briefly on the fact that money is very tight this month and couponing has given me something that helps me take care of my family and give them everything they need for a fraction of the cost. 

For instance, today was the end of the month and we needed to pick up some things.  Wonder Bread Simply Plus retails for $3.49 per loaf, but there was an instore special at Superstore that they were $2.50 each when you buy two, and I had coupons for each loaf which brought the cost to $1.75 (also known as half price!!) so I was able to get two loaves of bread for the price of one.  The fridge is stocked full of fruits and veggies and the pantry is full of goods and I was able to do it for about $85.00 cheaper than I would have normally spent weekly doing what I did before coupons. 

Going back to a previous blog, I had mentioned to always review your receipts for any Code of Scanning errors and wouldnt you know...I had two of them on my receipt today.  I realized while leaving the store, but there was no way I was waiting for them to fix it while shopping with Spaz Boy and Whiner Girl...I would return later.  Sure enough, I was able to get one box of Baby Mum Mum's for free because they were tagged at the wrong price on the display, plus my second box was price adjusted.  Furthermore, I was able to talk my way into an additional price adjustment because Post Great Grains (which I double couponed on) was on a huge display that said $3.00 (and there was a tiny little sticker that said it was actually $4.99) but I argued that when you approach the display as I did, you never would have seen this sticker and therefore, it should be adjusted and they agreed.  PLUS, they had an additional supply of Finish Quantumatic Starter Kits on for $5.94, which is free with the $6.00 off coupon .... so the trip back was definitely worth it!

In the mail today I received a coupon for the Lysol No-Touch hand soap dispenser which completed my set and I could ad match to get it for free.  Naturally they were sold out, but I was able to get a few other things such as two Colgate 360 toothbrushes which I ad matched with the Walmart flyer and then double couponed on to get them for $0.49.  I was also able to ad match Resolve Stain lifter to the Zellers flyer and paid nothing (except taxes) for two bottles of much needed stain remover!  But the best part was when I was in line I started chatting up fellow couponers who actually gave me three stacks of coupons which allowed me to get 9 Gillette Men's Deodorants (and she gave me the flyer to ad match them) so I could get them all for free.  I couldnt thank her enough.  How incredibly generous! 

The day was a raging success.  I was able to keep within my tight budget and still provide my family with all the necessities they need to keep them well fed, healthy and smelling fantastic.  :)  Once again, yay for coupons!

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