Tuesday 12 April 2011

I DID IT!!!!! I DID IT!!!!

Ladies and gentleman...we have confirmed double couponing success!  I felt like a stealth criminal as I entered the stores...baby in hand.  I had come up with the master plan after my husband returned home early from work.  Sweet.  A chance to take only one of the children and go...the girl is, afterall, a fantastic shopper and a mama's girl and she doesn't ask me to buy her stuff...over...and over...and over... 

First stop.  Superstore.  I have attached a photo.  I feel such satisfaction.  I did NOT double coupon at Superstore as I was on a pretty tight budget and they didn't have coupons on their wall for anything that I had coupons for.  Nevertheless, please see photo:

Have any guesses as to cost?

That is a Royale Super Huge Giant Big Mega Double Roll Pack. 24 double rolls.  Oh, and those at the back...that's two 6 packs of Aloe Irish Spring and Fancy Smell I Forget Irish Spring.  Oh and there's two loaves of bread....don't forget to add in the bread...and there are two fancy Colgate Advanced Health Toothpastes and a bottle of Children's Colgate - which, might I add, I was able to procure from two ladies who were buying ALL of the children's colgate and they agreed to let me have one.  I was thrilled.

Here's a breakdown of the items I got on sale and with coupons:

ROYALE BUM WIPE - $8.98 (so already hugely on sale!) (less $1.00 off coupon) = $7.98.....for all that kittiny soft two ply goodness...how could one go wrong.

CRACKERS - $1.00 off and they were on sale so it made them roughly $1.38 per box.  Woohoo!

COLGATE ADVANCED - $1.99 on sale (less $1.50 coupon) $0.49 per tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IRISH SPRING - $2.49 on sale (less $2.00 off coupon) - $0.49!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thats right....$0.49 for all that soap!  I will never need to buy soap again!  (Except for my stock pile).

OLD EL PASO KIT - $3.99 on sale (less $1.00 off coupon) = $2.99 AND it has a coupon for a free bottle of salsa with your next purchase.  Mucho Fun Tonite!

PEPSI CUBE (24 pack) - On sale for $6.97!!!!!

BREAD - $1.97 - on sale for dirt cheap for really good bread!

And that was the Superstore...alright....it DOES pay to shop there....oh...and I remembered my bags this time too! 

 Across the parking lot was LONDON DRUGS .... a couponers dream.  You will recall I had already bundled my double coupons that were different (as per London Drugs coupon policy) and there was precious few in the way of doubles, but I wanted to check it out.  The blood was pumping through my veins as I neared the check out....here is what I had:

Ok....I didnt have coupons for the chocolate...but lets talk price.

The hair dye was regular $11.99, but was on sale for $9.99, the Fibre 1 bars were $3.29 and the chocolate bars....lets be honest, I was less focussed on their original price than I was focussed on their chocolatey goodness.  In fact...I want one right now.  Ok.  I went and got one.  Funny story about these.  I bought one on a whim once and it was so good, I wanted another.  I have been searching for them ever since.   Its like as soon as the Kit Kat company found out I liked them they ceased all production and I never found them again...ever....UNTIL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

So, here we go with what I paid:

Sublime Mousse Hair Dye (box 1) - $9.99 - less coupon for $4.00, less coupon for $3.00 = $2.99
Sublime Mousse Hair Dye (box 2) - $9.99 - less coupon for $3.00, less coupon for $2.00 = $4.99
Fibre One Bars - $3.29 less two coupons for $1.00 each = $1.29
Chocolate Bars - $0.69 each!   :)

So there you have it, it CAN be done!  Just hang on to your coupons and wait for the greatest deal.  Trust me, I held onto those Irish Spring coupons for a month or two and it paid off AND they didn't even bat an eye or look at me like I was a weirdo.  I can remember a time where I would be embarassed to use coupons but now I believe it is becoming more common place and accepted and even if it wasn't WHO CARES!  If I can save all this money, then I should!  I wish I had of known all this a long long time ago!

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