Thursday 7 April 2011

Deals of the day!

Well, the baby decided not to sleep tonite so I took her to the place where all insomniacs feel free to roam....Walmart Supercentre. I wanted to see what I could druge up in terms of deals, but I didnt get too crazy...I didnt want to tempt fate entirely.

Firstly, they had Chef Boyardee on sale for $1 a can.  Now, I'm sure some of you are just horrified that I eat Hamburger Helper and Chef Boyardee, but let me tell ya...every now and again a can of ABC's and 123's with "meat bulbs" is delish...I kinda want some right now....

Onward and upward though.  Next I found Cars gummies which I had a coupon for.   It wasn't a smokin' deal but a dollar off is a dollar off. 

Sunlight Dish Soap was on sale for $1.97, so I was able to get that for $0.97 with my coupon.  As I'm wandering along, I notice the red "Limited Time" pricing signs over by the diapers. I figured I had better investigate.  Sure enough boxes of Pampers Baby-Dry were on sale for (wait for it....wait for it).... $19.97.  SAY WHAAAAAT?!!?! guessed it...I had a coupon.  So I got the diapers for $17.97 (the cost of a pack of regular diapers) and there is 30+ more diapers.  SCORE!

But here is the ultimate deal of the day.  I had a coupon for Pillsbury Crescent rolls.  Those ones that come in the tube and when you make them that dough boy talks to you and giggles..."nothing says loving like crescent rolls in the oven...heeeeee heeeeeee".  Anyways, they were on sale for $1.27....and I had a dollar off coupon.  That made them $0.27.  Yoink.

Oh...wait...there's one more unbelieveable deal.  They had the Sesame Street Keyboard, with this microphone/headphone and stool (ages 2-5) on clearance for $10.  Guess what the Easter Bunny is bringing to my house!

So the little insomniac and I made off with quite the haul tonite.  Feels great to get great deals.  Thursday flyers didnt arrive....I hope to blog tomorrow or the next day about the great deals to be had for weekend shopping!

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