Tuesday 17 May 2011

I Have Crossed the Line....

There was a time when I was the crazy coupon lady....but that ship has sailed.  I believe this weekend I may have entered the realm of Psychotic Coupon Lady.  I have gone couponing a ton now.  So much so that I couldnt keep up with the blog entries.  I couldnt stop myself.  I had to coupon more.  My name is Alevry78, and I am a Couponing-Aholic.

Last week a friend informed me of a printable coupon for buy two boxes of ziploc bags and save $4, but Walmart had some on for $1.48 AND if it was a Supercentre they would let you use them still...so I was making $1.03 for every two boxes I purchased.  I was hooked.  It sparked a hunt that saw me go to about a gazillion Walmarts attempting to get into the pandemonium.  The first time was a bust....sold out...but I found 6 boxes of a different size that were also $1.48...SCORE!  The next morning we went to a different Walmart (I have great access to the ring road and several Walmarts) and lo-and behold there was a new case of these ziploc bags in particular.  I admit...I bought more than my fair share....but I wanted to feel what it was like....the euphoria from actually making money from purchasing in a mass quantity like they do on TV.  It felt great!  I couponed on additional items and got 12 boxes of ziplocs, Olay Body Wash, a new Venus Razor and some toothpaste and it cost me $1.93.  Victory was mine.  But for one day.  I was able to get a few more and scored buy one get one free cleaners.

I did manage to find some other great deals as well.  For instance, there is a $5.00 off Motrin coupon on line and it was on sale at London Drugs for $6.99 so that made it $1.99.  Now thats a price I am willing to pay for pain relievers.  My husband and son both fell ill at the same time and with my coupons I was able to get Tylenol Cold Daytime/Nighttime, Tylenol Meltaways for kids, and three 125 count boxes of Motrin for around $10. 

I had a garage sale last weekend and my house is at the end of the street.  In this intense wind it is a catch all for blowing papers, garbage...garbage bags, etc...however the gods of coupons smiled upon me as numerous old coupons drifted onto my lawn...one of the most valuable was for $10.00 off Multibionta vitamins which there is also a coupon online for that makes you able to get them for free! 

Sunday I was able to score some Old Spice deodorant for $0.50 each when it went on sale at Shoppers for $1.99 for Sunday and Monday only.  I had a $3.00 off the purchase of 2 coupon...so I spent $1.00 and my husband will not stink.  Definitely a fair exchange!

I'm hooked on couponing.  I can't get enough.  The girl at London Drugs was really into it too and gave me a bunch of pointers and stuff that I didnt know.  But remember, keep watch on the flyers.  I've been so busy I haven't been able to blog about them...but there are loads of good deals out there!  I know that I wouldnt stockpile, but I have to tell you....its impossible!  When you see things that are amazing deals and you can use them to your advantage (like the Walmart deal) then you can stand to get loads of things for prices you are very willing to pay for.  Now...if you will excuse me...I need to find more things I can get for free.

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