Thursday 10 March 2011

Welcome to my Misadventures in Saving Money!

There was a time when I had a nice paycheque, and the bills were never too far behind.  The phone never rang with the cranky voices of bill collectors wondering where their money was and I didnt have to pay for groceries with change.  Yes, those were the days.  But now, due to a negligent error, my plan to stay afloat while going off on maternity leave was shattered when I did not receive any maternity leave benefits for over four months, leaving my husband to pay for everything...the phone calls started coming...and the wheels started turning.  How can I make additional money??  My husband (who definitely has ADD) had decided a while back that he would start sculpting clay and purchased all of the tools necessary to do it...weeks later the clay and all the tools sat idle...waiting for someone to use them to make a masterpiece....or something along those lines.  I decided that person would just have to be me.  I began to sculpt little figures.  I gave them to family who really liked them.  My aunt suggested I try to sell them.  I thought that was a GREAT idea.  I began tinkering with the clay until finally I found some things that worked for me...I even enlisted my neighbour (also a stay at home mom struggling to make money) and we even managed to sell a few pieces....but the orders slowed and the passion isnt the do struggling artists get a good start for free?!? So until I can have a big clay figure business, I must find additional ways to save money...I was hoping that I wouldnt have to return to work and I would be able to generate enough income to stay home with the kids....though this could be a pipe dream I will attempt to make it a reality!  On this blog I will discuss all the things I am trying to do to get extra income, including our adventures in sculpting clay, but you will also find tips and tricks about couponing (which I am starting to learn about), and just about anything I can find to generate some sort of additional pocket change along with my everyday misadventures in life.   I can hardly wait to get started!

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