Thursday 10 March 2011

The New Bed!

For those of you that know me well, you know that I have had the worst luck when it comes to places to live.  Lets see.  There was the place that was surrounded by water pipes...oh...there was the place that the water pipes froze...the place where ants started pouring out of my walls, the place with the mouse infestation (and yes, all of these places were in very nice areas of town in Calgary's south west) and most recently the bed bug infestation.  Thats right.  I uttered those two dirty little words no one ever wants to utter...bed bugs.

Bed bugs are disgusting critters and I was horrified to discover that my house had become infested.  The bug that caused the original outbreak had hitched a ride from Edmonton on someone's clothes that had come to visit.  I was pregnant and just thought I had a funky leg rash.  Words cannot begin to express the way you feel when you find out that tiny insects have been feasting on your chubby little legs while you sleep.  I have attached a link so those of you can see what these nasty critters do.  I took our bed out of the room and had it treated twice along with two exterminations of the house.  I still had nightmares about the bed and elected to store it in the garage until we moved at the end of June.  I slept on an air mattress on my then three year olds floor as luckily the infestation was confined to only my room.  Once we moved (and I had no income as I was off on maternity leave at this point) I decided we had to use the bed as I refused to recover from a c-section while laying on an air mattress, so we bought the old mattress a nice cover and recovered the box spring using a sheet and a staple gun, but the damage was done...the months of storage in the garage had caused my amazing pillow top bed's stuffing to all shift to one side.  We folded a piece of foam and stuffed it in place so we could have a bed that was almost level...almost...not quite.

Due to a lucky tax break, I was finally able to replace the bed after nearly a year since the infestation.  I bought a super nice sealy posturepedic and did a LOT of comparison shopping.  We went to Ikea, Mattress Mattress, the Brick and Sleep Country Canada.  The difference in prices in staggering.  The Brick is by FAR the most expensive, followed by Ikea, Mattress Mattress and Sleep Country.  As you are all aware I am on a major budget and could not exceed $600 for a bed and box spring.  I happened upon the mix and match sale at Sleep Country ( and got an amazing deal on a pillow top mattress with box spring AND free delivery and still came in on budget.  The equivalent bed at the Brick costs over double!  Sure, the store smelled a little bit like musty old cigar stank, but while I lay on the new bed I was about to get, it didnt bother me a bit.

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