Friday 11 March 2011

Coupons....the final frontier......

Captain's date...3112011...set fazers to save!

If you are like me,  you are attempting to cut costs any way you can and couponing is a great way to cut down on those costs if you are diligent and do your work.

Unlike Extreme Couponing on TLC, couponing in Canada is...of course....different.  I have learned that you cannot stack coupons or double coupon in Canada to get those crazy deals (though I am still trying to learn more about that), the key to couponing in Canada is to keep your eyes on the flyers to see where the products are the cheapest that you have the coupon for...then use the coupon against the in-store special and you could potentially walk away saving tons on your grocery bill.

When I first began looking into this, I did not own a printer so I needed to find sites that I could select the coupons and they would be mailed out to me.  Here are a few of my favorite sites for doing this:

On all of these sites you just select the coupons you wish to use and in a few weeks you receive them in the mail....just like that.  I would suggest going to Walmart and spending $4 on a coupon organizer.  I have my coupons organized into several categories:

Recreation, Baby, Grocery, Personal Maintenance, Home, Cat and Toilet Paper.  Yes.  Toilet paper gets its very own category because there is a TON of toilet paper coupons to be had out there.

Unlike the Extreme Couponers, I am trying to do this to save money on my grocery bill and only plan to use the coupons that are needed and that I will use....having said that, we will see if I start to amass my very own stock pile.

There is a little tidbit to get you started.  Get loads of coupons and check my blog again later because there is so much to be shared in the world of spending, saving and couponing....I just need to find more time!

1 comment:

  1. You should talk to my parents, they are professional toilet paper and Kleenex shoppers.
